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Albertsons Library’s collections directly reflect and support the mission and the goals of Boise State University. Access to millions of items is provided through print collections, e-journal collections, e-book platforms, special collections, government documents, streaming media, online indexes, and databases. Print and electronic items are discoverable through the online catalog, WorldCat Discovery.

If you would like to suggest the purchase of books, electronic or other content resources, please submit through the Purchase Request Form.

Course Reserves
Course Reserves are print or electronic materials that instructors select to be available for specific classes. Examples include books or textbooks, DVDs, articles or book chapters, lecture notes and slides, homework assignments, and practice exams. Course Reserves are located at the Circulation Desk or via the Electronic Course Reserves request form.

Curriculum Resource Collection
PreK-12 curriculum materials support the teacher education programs and area educators. Materials are acquired through purchases and publishers’ samples provided for the Idaho State Textbook and Improvement of Instruction Committee. Items are shelved in Dewey Decimal Call Number order and are on the 3rd floor of the Library.

Articles, streaming media, primary sources, and books are available through hundreds of multi-disciplinary and subject-specific electronic databases.

Vendor Accessibility and Privacy Documents

General Collection
Encompasses print and electronic books, journals, and other resources that are classed according to Library of Congress call numbers.

Government Documents
Albertsons Library is the largest selective government depository in the area. Government documents are selected to serve the needs of Boise State programs and the general public. Access to print and electronic government publications in the Albertsons Library collection are discoverable through the library’s catalog.

Map Collection
Map resources primarily include sheet maps (general and thematic), monographic materials useful for reference (e.g., Maps on File, Idaho Geographic Names, and Guide to USGS Publications), relief maps, globes, electronic information sources, select atlases, and the general field of cartography.

McCain Collection for Western Life
The McCain Collection for Western Life was established in 1993 through a generous endowment by Warren E. and Bernie McCain. There are books, journals, microforms, and other media documenting the Western U.S., including history, environment, literature, anthropology, geography, politics, economics, cultural life, frontier experience, and Native American tribes.

Media and Recorded Music
Documentaries, feature films, educational media, music, and recorded books are available in multiple formats including DVD, CD, VHS, and streaming format. Streaming media is found through the library’s catalog and databases; more information is available through the Videos; Theatre, Film, and Creative Writing; and Music guides.

Archives and backfiles of journals, indexes, and newspapers are on microfilm and microfiche; microform readers are on the 1st floor to print or download images. Materials can also be requested through interlibrary loan.

Reference Collection
Materials acquired for the Reference Collection are primarily meant to support the curriculum requirements of the university as well as to meet the research needs of faculty and staff. A tertiary goal is to serve the larger community of Southwestern Idaho.

Retrieval Facility
A selection of print journals and journals on microform are housed in Pioneer Hall in the Library’s Retrieval Facility. These titles can be found through the catalog and articles can be requested through interlibrary loan.

ScholarWorks is a collection of services designed to capture and showcase scholarly output by the Boise State community and includes documents and files produced by faculty, research groups, and students.

Special Collections
Special Collections holds books, maps, journals, and primary source materials about local, state, national, and international history. Topics include politics, religion, performing arts, environmental issues, literature, film, Basque culture, and more.

University Archives
The University Archives is the repository for university records and publications going back to its founding in 1932. The purpose is to collect, preserve, and make available records that document the people, events, organizations, programs, and more about the university’s history.

Updated 7/27/2021

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